Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Sex Education And Its Effects On The Body And Physiology

As children grow up, they are exposed to changes in their body and physiology. Adults, family, schools, and friends influence them and teach them about the world and the changes they are going to experiment, but how does an adult approach children and teenagers about sex? New ideas and debates have formed concerning how to educate the youngsters on the topic of sex: whether parents should explain their children about the birds and the bees, or schools need a course to educate students about sexual activity. This paper is going to examine sex education from different perspectives: psychology, education, and religion studies. Sex education is instruction on issues regarding human sexuality, emotions, responsibilities, anatomy, sexual intercourse, reproduction, health issues, rights, how to practice safe sex, sexually transmitted diseases, sexual organs, or everything related to human reproduction and sex. Almost four out of ten young women get pregnant before the age of twenty ( ), and nearly twenty million new cases of sexually transmitted diseases (STD’s) come from people in between fifteen and twenty-four years old (, and most of them state they were uniformed or not prepared. The topic of sex has been a taboo subject in various cultures throughout the years because many parents are unwilling or unable to properly educate their children about sex, forcing them to seek out less credible sources. If schools are permitted to teach sex education, then they canShow MoreRelatedEssay on The Endocrine System: Billys Case1294 Words   |  6 Pageswithin the endocrine system. As an individual ages hormone secreation alters, changing how the human body is structured and functions. As a young boy Billy was a falsetto singer in a choir until he endured hormonal changes associated with puberty. He developed a broken tenor which was hard to control as well as his mood. 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