Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Personal Narrative-My Trip To Disneyland - 885 Words

In December of 2015 I attended a Navy Christmas party. There were raffle prizes and the prizes included televisions, iPads, money, a car, and other miscellaneous items. To my surprise, my ticket number was the first one to be called out over the extremely loud speaker system. I walked to the stage to get my prize and the speaker handed me two three day Disneyland passes. As a child I always wanted to go to Disneyland. It was my childhood dream come true when she handed me those tickets! That next summer, my girlfriend and I went. Of course, the roller coaster rides were great, but there was one specific ride that we enjoyed called â€Å"Soaring Around The World†. Everything about this ride was magnificent from the visuals, to the sound, and†¦show more content†¦Then, a map popped up on the screen. The mapped showed all of the places we would be soaring over. Not only were we â€Å"soarin† over california, but we were going to see many countries and tourist land marks. We were then raised higher and tilted forward. It was time to begin our journey! The first place we flew over was Antarctica. I saw frozen ice and bright white snow. We could see and hear the polar bears dive into the body of water. The splash, the wind and the turbulence from our â€Å"airplane’ made it seem so real. Even a killer whale jumped out of the water and towards us. The water splashed and smelled like a real ocean. The effects were so good, a person would have thought it was actual water in the room! The most memorable scene was Africa. As we passed the African Elephants we could smell a strong stench. The smell only got stronger as we passed many more species and herds of animals. It smelled like a zoo! Not only could we smell them, but we could also smell the grass. We felt like we were there. There was also a breeze during the rush of the herd of animals. Our seats shook as we passed ride over the herd. During the remainder of the ride, we flew over the Great Wall of China, caught dust from dubai, saw the ancient pyramids, the taj mahal, and hot air balloons in the deserts of Arizona. The hot air balloons were colorful and made for the perfect scenery amongst the Arizona Canyons! The Canyons were a reddish brown color and they wereShow MoreRelatedJudgement by Noel M. Tichy and Warren G. Bennis Paper3674 Words   |  15 Pagesinvading Iraq, which will always haunt him. The last two big concepts that this book contains is storyline and a teaching point of view (TPOV). Each leader must have a teachable point of view, which sets the direction and behavioral values. Then, the narrative storyline animates the future scenario. TPOVS are important because they are â€Å"what enable leaders to take the valuable knowledge and experiences that they have stored up inside their heads and teach them to others† (Tichy and Bennis 51). Only successful

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