Thursday, September 3, 2020

Del Rio Foods Analysis Essay -- Business Analysis

Del Rio was set up in 1933, and it is situated in California. Its proprietors are Bob and Maria. Del Rio is a farming business where prepared canned items and new produce are sold. The two proprietors have the equivalent horticultural foundation which is the reason they are doing this business. They are running Del Rio effectively. At the point when the world was experiencing an extraordinary discouragement, numerous organizations had intense chance to endure. Be that as it may, Del Rio Foods, Inc. was in stable condition despite the fact that they didn't rake in tons of cash. From 1987 to 1990, their Income Statement shows that they had a consistent increment in their overall gain every year. The CEO’s objective is to grow his business to the extent into east coast. Del Rio gained two or three ranches and manufactured them as its primary office and a wholesaler. Joint endeavor was framed with not many wholesalers and retail locations. Also, Cape Fear and Wilmington plants wer e purchased to build profitability. The statement of purpose, SWOT examination, and activity plan are talked about further. The vision of the CEO is to go similarly as into east coast. Sway is wanting to purchase extra cultivate terrains to develop all the more new produce to expand the deals. This will invite new clients, providers, retailers, and wholesalers. Additionally, there will be more employment opportunities to open. Individuals will discover positions in different offices or whatever post they can do it. More individuals there are to work, quicker the occupations complete. Obviously, Del Rio will get more business from its clients, retailers, and wholesalers when they see that this organization is the one in particular that takes care of business rapidly. Bounce additionally needs to rebuild, fix, and keep his plants slick and clean. Subsequent to making a few enhancements, it will construct comp... ...epartments where required. His system and vision for the organization will figure out where everybody will center their endeavors. The CEO needs to make a corporate culture. His way of life will figure out what individuals ought to do and what ought to don't be attempting. He can conclude who will remain, who will leave, and how the activity will complete. Culture begins with the chief. He can choose how he needs individuals to act and begin displaying the conduct openly. Halted HERE†¦!!!:)ïÆ'Ÿ Capital portion. Each dollar you raise and spend should deliver more than $1 of return for the organization, or it’s a misuse of cash. Figure out how to make these decisions. Employing and Firing. The activity of administrators is essentially group and culture building. Recruiting and terminating are must-have abilities. Peruse, take classes, and audit past employing triumphs and errors. Do whatever you can to sharpen your capacities.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Apartheid and Resentment free essay sample

For a considerable length of time, man has endeavored to be better than others through the separation of looks, convictions, and social class. A portion of these endeavors at predominance incorporate requesting demonstrations of regard, for example, bowing down to samurai in antiquated Japan. In some cases debasing language and activities happen, like the hour of hued servitude. Other â€Å"superior† men will go similarly as truly isolating the focused on gathering of individuals by building conveniences only for the objectives use. Endeavors at matchless quality, for example, these separation the races in the town of Bayonne in the novel, A Lesson Before Dying. In Bayonne, as in numerous towns in southern history, white people request regard from their mediocre hued partners. No discussion is had without the minority individual tending to the white man or lady as â€Å"sir† or â€Å"maam,† separately. This propensity is communicated reliably all through the novel, for example, when Tante Lou, Miss Emma, and Grant Wiggins request Henri Pichots consent to see Jefferson in the prison where he is held. We will compose a custom paper test on Politically-sanctioned racial segregation and Resentment or on the other hand any comparable point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page In any case, these three characters don't address Pichot as such out of regard. They do so realizing it is requested of them. At the point when this happens between completely hued and white individuals around, it makes hatred toward the white populace and corruption toward the hued populace. This hatred and corruption is taken care of through bigot words and activities submitted by the prevalent race. Basic words are a perfect epitome of embarrassment, for example, considering a developed dark man a â€Å"boy.† Another despicable model is the point at which the director, Dr. Joseph, checks a schoolchild’s teeth, looking like when a white ace would examine a hued slaves teeth previously. These moves are made accurately to cause the minority individual to feel mediocre compared to the white individual. Along these lines, the white man or lady keeps up their situation on a platform worked from politically-sanctioned racial segregation. Division of race might be taken so far as to make a physical type of it, just like the case in Bayonne. Schools, clubs, and structures of the sort are determined for singular races, white or shaded, and are worked in specific zones. The white comforts are fabricated uptown, meaning their strength. On the other hand, enhancements for shaded people are manufactured midtown, away from the white populace, connoting their average quality. At the point when the white and hued populaces must run into each other, solaces for the shaded populace of Bayonne, for example, restrooms, are worked in the most reduced degrees of the structure or outside. This physical partition expands the cruel truth of isolation and rejection from commonality in the town of Bayonne. From language to activities to the physical partition of races, every day life takes care of the fire of racial division in Bayonne all through A Lesson Before Dying. At the point when the white populace of the town requests regard, it at the same time requests hatred. Also, when the shaded race is genuinely pulled back from the white populace, that partition is showed in characteristics and convictions. It is these concealed outcomes that roughly burrow the town of Bayonne more profound into the opening of politically-sanctioned racial segregation.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Analysis of Human Migration free essay sample

An Analysis of Human Migration Ever since people figured out how to develop crops as a consistent wellspring of food people have moved looking for conditions more qualified to their requirements and solaces. Albeit we all however the 30-40 million that decide to carry on with the roaming life have deserted that way of life and proceeded onward to an increasingly cultivated current time, relocation despite everything stays a possibility for those of us trying to take habitation In a substitute area of mother earth. The National Geographic Society [1] characterizes human relocation as The development of individuals starting with one spot on the planet then onto the next to take up ermanent or semipermanent living arrangement, for the most part over a political limit. Movement Inside a landmass or political locale Is called Internet relocation and outside a physical or political fringe Is called outer relocation. For instance Inside moving inside the landmass of Australia would be inward relocation yet moving into an alternate mainland abroad would be outer movement. We will compose a custom paper test on Examination of Human Migration or on the other hand any comparable theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page There are an assortment of foundations for relocation, yet they havent changed much during that time and remain genuinely like the reasons our precursors decided to move. These reasons can be sorted into two segments; these being push factors and pull factors. Push factors are explanations behind leaving a locale due to negative properties of the area and Pull factors are purposes behind moving into a spot in view of positive properties of an area. Such factors can additionally be isolated Into Environmental components like atmosphere, Political Factors Ilke war, Economic elements Ilke work, social variables Ilke training and utility elements like geographic area and financial status. Factually, the people are very effective as an animal types. The 7 billionth human was brought into the world in the relatively recent past and the 10 billionth Is not far away, determined to be conceived around the century's end. Humankind Is not just tremendous, we are likewise inconceivably various and this is the thing that characterizes us as an animal varieties. Which means when we lost a piece of our way of life we lose a touch of being human. This carries us to probably the greatest downside of movement, known as Cultural Extinction. Social termination happens when a family that Is a piece of a littler culture moves and the up and coming age of the individual family is just presented to the local language and culture, since culture and convention is just brought through families, the forthcoming carrier of this culture is worn out, finishing a vein of this valuable social blood. In any case, our social assorted variety Itself offers a conversation starter. How could it be that we as a human race are so assorted in culture, but then so comparable? An exploration venture named The Genographic venture Was made by Spencer Wells to respond to this inquiry and following human development in ancient occasions. Despite the fact that the fields of palaeoanthropology and paleontology effectively empower us to get to this Information, the Genographic venture utilizes a more up to date strategy that permits us to discover how intently we are identified with one another, empowering us to outline a family tree returning millions IOF4

Jurassic Park Essays (478 words) - Jurassic Park,

Jurassic Park Jurassic Park happens on an Island off the Coast of Costa Rica which is claimed by a multimillionaire, John Hammond. On this island he has set up a genetical designing office which licenses him and his researcher to make dinosaur from blood separated from ancient mosquitos, that have been protected in golden. Before he opens this living appreciation for the open he needs master to affirm the recreation center. He carries them to the island and starts to give them what he has achieved. While they are visiting the island one of the software engineers, Dennis Nedry, is subtly intending to take dinosaur undeveloped organisms from the recreation center and offer them to an organization that is attempting to contend with Hammond. The main way Nedry can acquire these undeveloped organisms is to immobilize the recreation center by intruding on the parks typical capacity, so he could sneak in and take the incipient organisms. This all happens while the guests are out in the recreation center visiting, and in the fog of a horrible tempest. After Nedry has executed an infection so as to take the incipient organisms the tempest hits, and the recreation center force goes out. As the force goes out the guests to the island are stuck in no place, with a got away from T-Rex. Everybody escapes and is dissipated through the park. The creatures start assaulting the control building, while they are search for food. Since all the force is out it is extremely unlikely to stop them, or containing them. In the panic a researcher , Wu, finds that the dinosaurs have been mating, which they thought was preposterous, on the grounds that they were just cloning females, however the dinosaurs have adjusted and have figured out how to replicate. They think they recovered the force on so they attempt to put all the creatures back in their holding zones. Much to their dismay that the entire time the recreation center was running on helper power, and once this force ran out they couldn't reestablish the primary force. At the point when all the force at last ran out the creatures started assaulting at full power now. Their solitary choice to get the force reestablished is to have somebody physically turn on another assistant force generator so they could get the principle power running once more. The guests and the staff of Jurassic Park escape however with two setbacks. They escape by having a helicopter get them. After the get the Costa Rican government bomb the island so as to crush it. As indicated by the book hereditary cloning can be cultivated by getting only a modest quantity of blood. May this kind of cloning be conceivable, all things considered, as it were the reality of the situation will become obvious eventually, and the progressions in innovation it ought to be a thing of the future. The way that this sort of thing may be done, is thin simply because of perils of upsetting the normal progression of things. In the book the best wonder they found pivoted and caused them incredible calamity. In the event that humankind does attempt to bring back the dinosaurs will the equivalent occur?

Friday, August 21, 2020

9 things to do before you write that resume- The JobNetwork

9 activities before you compose that continue The JobNetwork Along these lines, you’ve secured that position posting that looks excessively great to be valid. You need to do your absolute best, however you haven’t even gotten your resume all together. Sound recognizable? Since your resume is your potential employer’s early introduction of you, continue composing is a genuine undertaking - one that can’t be begun without getting everything in order first.Here’s what you ought to do before you begin composing your resume:1. Thoughtfulness is keyBefore you even set pen to paper (or truly, nowadays, boot up your PC), you initially need to choose what it is you’re focusing on. This applies to both new position searchers and to the individuals who basically wish to set out on another period of their profession. Do you have an objective at the top of the priority list for what you need to do with your life or where you need your profession to go?If you need some assistance finding your vocation way, look at t hese approaches:ââ€"  Search your spirit: Set some time aside to ask yourself significant inquiries about where you might want your profession to go. Conceptualize what you appreciate doing, thoroughly consider your needs, or ask yourself inquiries like where you might want to see yourself in ten years. The ends you show up voluntarily be instrumental in helping you discover your way.ââ€"  Take a test: If you’re intrigued to check whether there are any alternatives that you haven’t recently considered, there are a lot of free vocation tests on the web, for example, Sokanu’s Career Test or the O*NET Interest Profiler, which is made by the U.S. Branch of Labor. In these tests, you answer a lot of inquiries and check whether your inclinations or character are appropriate for a specific profession way. From that point forward, you can look into your outcomes and check whether it’s what you want.ââ€"  Talk to an expert: If you feel that conversing with a fair-minded proficient would profit you, looking for direction from a vocation advisor might be a decent move. A profession counselor’s work is to control you through your vocation decisions. The person may initially discover increasingly about you and your inclinations, and afterward give you proposals dependent on what the individual in question thinks about you and her mastery on the pay rates and abilities required for different fields. In spite of the fact that this alternative expenses between $75.00 to over $1,200.00 every hour-long meeting, a few schools offer free directing to graduated class, so make certain to investigate your choices thoroughly.Once you settle on your way, it will be simpler to perceive what resources you have that will take you where you wish to go.2. Accumulate your informationIf you as of now have a fantasy work at the top of the priority list, amazing! The subsequent stage is making sense of what a business in that field is searching for in a perfect competitor and getting ready as needs be. Concurring toâ this article by Workopolis, just 2% of employment searchers make it to the meeting, with a very much made application being what raises you to the top 2% of contenders. Subsequently, having a resume that gives a great deal of focused data plainly and compactly is perhaps the most ideal approaches to establish the most grounded connection possible.To make a serious resume, make certain to go for a walk through a world of fond memories and gather these significant goodies: ââ€"  Relevant past work understanding, including explicit dates of business. ââ€"  Pertinent confirmations, licenses and grants, respects, and exercises. ââ€"  A rundown of your productions. ââ€"  Your GPA, yet possibly incorporate this if it’s over a 3.0.Once you get this data together, you can utilize it to manufacture the case that you are actually what your future business is looking for.3. Prepared your portfolio, site, as well a s LinkedIn profileWhether it’s a printed copy folio or on the web, a portfolio is an assortment of your best work that your potential boss can examine to decide whether you have the right stuff they are searching for. It’s an important device, giving undeniable proof that you’re the genuine article, and not overselling yourself. Contingent upon the business you’re wanting to enter, especially if it’s expressions related, a portfolio may even be required.A individual site frequently fills a similar need as an online portfolio, with increasingly anecdotal data as a â€Å"About† area, and some extra highlights, for example, a blog and contact page. Having an individual site incredibly builds your perceivability, and is known to dazzle would-be bosses when the individual in question Googles you. In this way, in the event that you have one, ensure that it’s exceptional before remembering it for your resume.Finally, in this period of web ba sed life, your LinkedIn profile is rapidly turning into an unquestionable requirement have on your resume. In this manner, a significant advance to setting up your resume is streamlining your LinkedIn. Despite the fact that the data on both your resume and LinkedIn profile may appear to be comparable, ensure that it’s not indistinguishable. Think about your LinkedIn as an extra chance to feature yourself, so don’t squander it!4. Conceptualize your skillsNow that you have your past achievements spread out before you, it’s time to dissect the solid aptitudes that prompted your success.For first time work searchers :If this is your first-historically speaking resume, start by contemplating your accomplishments from school or different undertakings. On the off chance that you’re an understudy, would you say you were on the official board for a club? In the event that you’re a housewife, did you run a pledge drive? Perhaps you can even use your movement s by underscoring the abilities you picked up. Regardless of whether these are not â€Å"jobs† fundamentally, they require certain abilities to pull off, aptitudes that you can put on your resume. For work searchers who have experienced the granulate before : If this isn’t your first employment, that implies you should have some work experience you can gather aptitudes from. In the event that your past activity is like the one you’re looking for, at that point this part ought to be genuinely simple since you definitely know the abilities vital for success.However, if your next activity is in a completelyâ new field, recognizing and convincingly introducing transferable aptitudes between occupations will be your generally basic and troublesome undertaking. All things considered, doing so will make you an a lot more grounded applicant. Don’t overlook delicate skills!When collecting your rundown of abilities, notwithstanding the more specialized hard aptitu des, for example, composing or working certain hardware, don’t neglect to work in delicate aptitudes that may not be so clear from the outset, for example, relationship building abilities or initiative aptitudes. On the off chance that you can show that you are a balanced individual with the fitting abilities, it will persuade your future boss that this activity is definitely suited to your tastes and that you are the best individual for the job.5. Check in with your referencesThis tip involves politeness. Albeit a rundown of references isn't generally part of the resume, it’s an asset that ought to be accessible upon demand. In this way, before creating your resume, it might likewise be a smart thought to consider who might make a fitting reference.Before you list names and contact data of your references, in any case, you ought to make sure to ensure that the individuals you’re chipping in approve of your potential manager reaching them. Not exclusively are yo u demonstrating your references that you regard them and don’t fall off qualified for their great audits, yet requesting their authorization guarantees that your references aren’t shocked when they are reached by your future business. All things considered, you need your reference to be readied when the call comes!To ensure that you get the most ideal suggestion, your reference should comprehend what you are applying for and you ought to help them to remember what you did while working under the person in question. In the event that conceivable, give a format featuring what you would most like the reference to underscore. Regardless of whether you are the best occupation up-and-comer, if your potential business can detect that your references are found napping or don’t truly know what your identity is or what you did, that considers gravely you. You put on a show of being rude and disorderly, two negative marks against you that will kill any would-be employers.6 . Figure out what arrangement works best for youResumes as a rule fall under one of three configurations: switch sequential, utilitarian, or a blend of both. Every one of these arrangements has their own favorable circumstances and hindrances. You ought to pick as needs be, contingent upon which organization presents your character and expert foundation in the best light.Here’s a brisk clarification of the contrasts between the three formats:ââ€"  Reverse sequential : With this arrangement, since your work experience is recorded backward sequential request, would-be bosses can without much of a stretch observe upward versatility with your jobs and duties, making you a profoundly appealing applicant. In any case, in spite of being the most widely recognized organization, it puts candidates who have a work hole or who don’t have as much work involvement with an inconvenience, since your experience is front and center.ââ€"  Functional: Since practical resumes lead wit h the abilities segment and disregard your past occupations, it’s useful for candidates who might want to hide a hole as far as they can tell, for example, a homemaker coming back to the workforce. Since useful resumes aren’t as normal, recruiting administrators here and there decipher it as a warning, so make certain to back up your resume with a convincing introductory letter and be prepared to handle inquiries regarding it in the interview.ââ€"  Combination: Another arrangement that puts the abilities segment first, this organization is perfect for candidates who are going for a specialized activity or one who may be looking to switch fields. All things considered, this configuration underscores your aptitudes, which might be transferrable, and distracts from your work understanding, which may not legitimately correspond with the activity you’re applying for. A blend of both of the previous ones, this organization could be th

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Metro Hospital Report

Metro Hospital Report A Report to Metro Hospital Home›Technology Posts›A Report to Metro Hospital Technology PostsBackground/ OverviewHIMSS is an Acronym which stands for Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society. HIMSS is therefore a non-profit making U.S organization which aims at promoting a good understanding of information regarding management systems and health care information.  HIMSS Level 7 is the recognition of using the highest degree of electronic health implementation. HIMSS therefore rates hospitals basing on a scale of 0 to 7 using its Electronic Medical Records Adoption Model. The achievement of stage 7 or level 7 implies that the hospital is largely paperless. The organization therefore deals with the use of optimal management systems and Information technology for the betterment of human life. EMR is an acronym which stands for Electronic Medical Records (Wager, et al, 2009).Electronic Medical Records or sometimes referred to as Electronic Health Records are digital rec ords which are kept by the doctors, insurance companies or other facilities which someone seeks medical services. EMR systems are therefore used in keeping track of the medical history and general health of a patient through electronic and computerized formats. This report is being written so as to improve the services of Metro Hospital with a view to lead it to achieve Level 7 of the HIMSS EMR Adoption Model by the year 2025. It is important for Metro Hospital to achieve HIMSS level 7 by 2025 because it help the hospital in keeping medical records of patients in computerized forms and therefore not only making the records to be easily retrieved but also making the navigation of a patient through the healthcare system to be more efficient and much safer. This report is therefore being written as a roadmap towards the achievement of HIMSS level EMR for Metro Hospital by the year 2025 (Lyer, et al, 2006).Vision for the Electronic Medical RecordsMy vision is to see Metro Hospital atta in the HIMSS EMR Adoption Model by the year 2025 through having a fully electronic environment other than having the manual way of carrying out tasks as it is now. By adopting an electronic Medical Record model, the hospital will cut costs arising from employment of employees to carry out manual work while at the same time ensuring that tasks are carried out promptly and efficiently with the aid of electronic systems.    In order to lead the hospital to achieve level 7 of the HIMSS EMR Adoption Model by the year 2025, the first task will be to ensure that the hospital participates in the Annual HIMSS Analytics Study to make it receive the EMRAM Score. The attainment of a full electronic environment by the hospital by 2025 will therefore enable it to offer its services efficiently and effectively to its customers (Gasch, A. et al, 2010).The implemented EMR systemOnce the vision of having EMR has been implemented by 2025, it will comprise of systematically collected electronic health information regarding populations or individual patients. The system will be able to contain records in digital form which will be able to be shared through different health care departments of Metro Hospital through a wide information network connected embedded systems. To ensure that the HER system creates a positive impact for Metro Hospital and increase its revenue cycle, the system will be designed with key attributes like for instance, it must be able to provide an integrated clinical information which be helpful to health care providers to determine the condition of the patient as regards to the overall medical history of such a patient. The Electronic Medical System for Metro Hospital will be designed in such a manner that it can easily be accessed by physicians, clinicians and general ancillary staff.  The implemented EMR system for Metro Hospital should be able to integrate a full range of data in summary or comprehensive format comprising of personal stats such as weigh t and age, billing information, medication and allergies, medical history, demographics, vital signs, radiology images, laboratory tests, immunization status among others. The implemented EMR system for Metro Hospital should be able to have full records about the patients’ encounters which allows for easy automation and streamlining of such information in the healthcare setting and therefore increasing safety via quality management, outcomes reporting and evidence based decision support. A fully implemented Electronic Health Record for Metro Hospital by 2025 will enhance the hospital’s ability for revenue cycle because it will have the ability for provision of integrated clinical information and easy accessibility of Data from the Electronic Health Records (Scott, et al, 2007).A fully implemented EHR system for Metro Hospital by 2025 will create room for enhanced applications which will support more accurate and complete charge capture and offer improved documentation through au tomation and coding thus speeding up the process of billing. An implemented Electronic Health Record system for Metro hospital will ensure that the quality of care is improved and therefore lessening the suffering of patients as a result of the inability of the analysts to gauge quality and prevalence of medical errors. The use of information technology through the implementation of the Electronic Health Record system reduces costs in administration which in turn frees up the time and money that is spent caring for a patient. Implementing the EHR for Metro Hospital will also reduce medical errors through provision of decision support to healthcare workers through easy proliferation of continuing improvements in the health care industry and enabling faster access to contemporary practices in medicine and medical literature. The EMR system will also have the capability of offering onscreen layered and ordered presentations which offers easy to relevant coding concepts and information regarding medical procedures through browser capabilities applied on the screen (Lehman, 2006).The implementation of an EMR system Model for Metro Hospital will be advantageous because many electronic medical record systems will be able to be connected and therefore it will be easier for coordination of patients willing to seek appointments in cities with academic research centers for appointments to participate in clinical trials or specialty treatment. Given the fact that Metro Hospital has got good links with the Division of General Practitioners in the area, the implementation of an Electronic Health Records system will present it with an opportunity and a global medical environment which will easily enable international patients to link with it and furthermore shop for their own procedures (Hawamdeh, et al, 2008).What the EMR system will do and Offer for Metro HospitalEMR is therefore a digital, computerized and paperless system that will be used by Metro Hospital to maintain t he data of patients and reduce documentation errors while at the same time increasing the efficiency of processes in the hospital. The achievement of the HIMSS EMR Adoption Model by Metro Hospital enable the hospitals operations to be totally paperless and enable the hospital to share its clinical data and information through electronic standard transactions which will include CCD, CCR and other state mandated electronic transactions with all the departments or entities that are found in the health information networks. The adoption of this model will therefore enable Metro Hospital to share wellness and health information between the general medical, oncology, surgical, nose and throat, maternity, ophthalmology, vascular, children services, ear and other entities found within the hospital (Harman, et al, 2006).Critical success factors when building an Electronic Health RecordIn order for the Electronic Health Record to be successful, then essential technical factors should be consi dered.   This will therefore include the planning, implementation and management of the health records department from an inefficient and overburdened environment towards an electronic automated environment. Work processes, technologies and staff should therefore be well adapted in the provision of real time quality information despite being challenged by scarce capital resources and increased expectations. Some of the critical and technical factors that will be need to be considered when building an Electronic Health Record for Metro hospital includes realigning of processes, development of staff capacity, renovation of the physical environment and implementation of new systems that support the strategic plan of Metro Hospital (Warren, 2007).Development of staff capacity is important because it will help Metro Hospital to manage the cultural changes that will emerge and meet the future needs of departments by provision of education and other opportunities aimed at career developmen t. Building of staff capacity is also essential because it helps in the measurement of customer and staff satisfaction. Te development of a qualified ad committed team for Metro Hospital is therefore a critical success factor that is crucial for the preparation of the Electronic Health Record.   Realignment of processes for Metro Hospital is essential because it helps the hospital to plan and execute efficiently the sustainable processes changes and process improvement methodologies. The realigning process is also vital because it helps in measuring changes of the Electronic Health Records. Process redesigning or alignment is also vital because it ensures that all departmental workflows and renovations are aligned for best practice processes. Renovation of the physical environment through decommissioning of the satellite area and remodeling of the physical environment in order to have an optimal workflow is important because it will lead to reduced time in filling charts and retriev ing them. There must be adequate space that can be able to accommodate the filling of active charts accurately and quickly. The security of patient information is important especially when physicians, hospital employees and other third parties are granted access to such information and this should therefore be part and parcel of the renovation process (Walker, 2006).In order to achieve optimal collection and general of information for Metro Hospital, the possession of successful applications that require successful processes is critical success factor that should be considered by Metro Hospital should be considered in the implementation of the new Electronic Health Records.Analyzing the Current SituationTo be able to review the current Status of informatics within the Metro Hospital, I need to be informed how the hospital carries out its operations when serving its clients and general hospital operations. Currently, Metro Hospital is expected to provide a high level of technological tools and academic demands through provision of information management solutions to enhance the quality of health care that is provided to its clients, something that is missing from the current environment of the hospital. To be able to achieve this, a new strategic electronic information management and technology is a major enabler to help Metro Hospital in the achievement of the HIMSS EMR Adoption Model by 2025. The hospital is overburdened by an inefficient preparation environment which makes it hard for it to properly serve the high number of patients. Delivery of health care services at Metro Hospital is solely based on the use of paper charts and therefore the introduction of Electronic Medical records for the hospital is one of the crucial aspects that must be reviewed to ensure that clinical information is easily shared through electronic transactions. The hospital as of current, is not fully utilizing its functionality in the provision of efficient, safe and effective hea lth care for its patients because of the ineffective ways of carrying out its operations manually (Conrick, 2006).To be able to review the contemporary status of Informatics in Metro Hospital, it is essential for me to evaluate and determine if the cost of meeting the Electronic Health Records system is worth the cost of meeting it and the costs that Metro Hospital will incur as a result of adopting electronic Medical records. For instance, I should be able to determine whether the requirements in Stage one will exceed the value of incentive check and ascertain the costs that will have to be incurred in meeting all the stages even after they have passed auditing. I should also review if the Electronic medical Records meet their meaningful use and ascertain the time frames (Steele, 2002).To be in a good position to evaluate or review the current status of Informatics in Metro Hospital, I should be able to assess the current status of the hospital’s component deployment, understand the corporate goals of the hospital and be able to appreciate the hospital’s short term needs. Currently, the hospital has got good links with the Division of General Practitioners in the local area but they are not electronically linked. One of the most important aspects that I will review in Metro Hospital is making sure that an electronic health record is put in place to link these physicians and practitioners with the Hospital’s electronic records. The delay exhibited when serving patients because of the use of manual processes should therefore be reviewed to ensure that the manual way of searching for records is replaced by the Electronic Health records to save the time and resources spent on such tasks. Another specific aspect that I will review is the amounts of time spend when attending to patients at Metro Hospital. This will help me to ascertain whether the introduction of an electronic health record system will be beneficial for Metro hospital (Huang, 2010)..Informati on Management Practices that must be implemented to ensure the Effectiveness of an EMRStaff of Metro Hospital should be well informed of the management practices that must be enforced in order to ensure the efficient running of the electronic Medical record. Employees of Metro Hospital should therefore become aware with the relevant regulatory authorities, regulations and requirements regarding the use of electronic records. Regulatory authorities determine the existing guidelines and regulations about creating, maintaining, retaining and destructing traditional paper records and EHRs and EMRs and therefore such issues should be well known. Privacy legislation concerning the collection, use and final disclosure of patient’s personal information should be upheld and respected. The EMR will also be effective if the hospital management and staff as a general consider patient consent and their rights to accessing their health information that is stored in EHRs/EMR’s (Tan, 2009).Crit ical functions of electronic signatures must be taken into consideration while at the same time putting into mind the 5 key principles of transition from the manual to electronic system which include: securing of patient information and maintaining of the privacy of the information for patents. Medical records should also be kept and maintained through integrity and the integrity of clinical workflow should be supported and maintained (Brazell, 2004).Analysis and planning of level 7 of the HIMSS EMR Adoption ModelIn order to lead Metro Hospital into achieving level 7 of the HIMSS EMR Adoption Model by the year 2025, I intend to carry out a proper analysis and planning of the whole model by being informed of all the stages the hospital has to undergo in order to achieve the Final level 7.    Initially, Metro Hospital has not implemented radiology, laboratory and pharmacy ancillary department systems despite the fact that some of the clinical automation are present. The first procedu re to embark on towards the achievement of Level 7 status by Metro Hospital will therefore be to install all the main three ancillary systems in the hospital which will include the radiology, laboratory and pharmacy department systems. The second stage is to ensure that all the major ancillary clinical systems deposit data into a CDR (Clinical data Repository) which allows the physicians to retrieve and view results (Ochs, 2010).The Clinical Data Repository will therefore comprise of clinical decision support or rules and a controlled medical vocabulary which gives room for checking of any rudimentary conflict. During this second stage, information obtained from document imaging systems can be able to be linked to the Clinical data Repository. During the third stage of the HIMSS EMR Adoption Model, the Metro Hospital’s clinical documentation like flow sheets, vital signs e.t.c will be required while the eMAR (electronic Medication Administration Record), care plan charting and nur sing notes are scored with extra points and are integrated and implemented with the Clinical data Repository for one of the services in the hospital. Clinical decision support is implemented during the first level to in order to check for errors with the order entry in the pharmacy like for instance drug/lab, drug/food, drug/drug that are common in the pharmacy.  At stage three, there must be some level of communication system which can allow physicians of Metro Hospital to gain access through the hospital’s intranet or other secure networks that are available outside the confines of the department of radiology (Robertson, et al, 2008).During the fourth stage, CPOE (Computerized Physician/Practitioner Order Entry) to be used by any Metro Hospital clinician will be added to the Clinical data repository and nursing environment together with the capabilities of the clinical decision support that are related to the medicine based evidence protocols. The completion of the previous sta ges will signify the achievement of stage four. Stage five will now include the implementation of the closed loop administration in one of the patient care service environments implementation and integration of the bar coding, eMAR and other technologies used in auto identification like the RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) in order to maximize safety of the point of care processes used in the administration of medication. Stage six will involve the total documentation of Metro hospital’s physician charting/documentation for at least one of the areas in the patient care service. All the clinician activities are guided through level three of the clinical decision support which is related to protocols and outcomes in form of compliance and variance alerts.  All the film based images are displaced by PACS radiology systems which provide physicians with medical images through an intranet (Felder, et al, 2008).The final stage known as level 7 or stage seven will ensure that Metro Hospital has achieved an electronic or paperless EMR environment in which clinical information will easily be shared through electronic transactions and all entities of the hospital will be able to exchange electronic records within a regional network. For instance, the Division of General Practitioners    in Metro’s local area, subacute environments, ambulatory clinics, patients, patients, employers and other hospitals will be able to share vital health information. As envisioned in the level 7 of the HIMSS EMR Adoption Model, it is this stage that will ensure that true electronic health records are supported by HCO (Andersen, 2008).Implementation PlanMy implementation plan will have a purpose, system overview, management overview which will include the description of implementation, the points of contact, the major tasks, the implementation schedule , security and privacy, system security features and security set up during the process of implementation. Apart from that, the im plementation plan will consist of the software, hardware, materials and facilities, documentation and personnel. Under personnel, it will involve of the training for the implementation staff and staffing requirements. The implementation plan will consist of the performance monitoring, implementation impact and configuration management interface.  Lastly, the implementation plan will consist of the implementation requirements by site requirement details (Skolnik, 2010).Resources required in implementing the project Some of the resources that will be required in order to implement the EMR project will among others include Citrix which is a technology that will be used to provide remote access from the office and home through utilization of wireless infrastructure, qualified personnel, hardware which in this case will include laptops, tablets, desktops, touch screens and carts. The allocation of the various administered and departmental funds together with all the budgetary allocation s should be highlighted. Being able to ascertain the relevant resources needed for implementation of the project will enable me to know early warning signs of under spending or overspending or even possible savings and therefore enabling me to effectively track down expenditure.   In general, resources needed can either be financial or non financial or both (Kiel, 2001).Specific goals and timelines for achieving a ‘fully digital’ status by 2025 by Metro HospitalImplementation of an HIMSS level 7 by 2025 for Metro Hospital is not one single project but rather, it is a series of initiatives which represent a journey more than a destination. The implementation process will therefore consist of challenges, solutions and the impacts that will have on the clinical process. Some of the critical goals towards the achievement of a full digital status for Metro Hospital will therefore include planning of the Electronic Health records and the acquisition of the ambulatory Electronic Health Records. Thereafter, the process of intake and assessment will follow after which the medication process will be clearly evaluated. Clinical support and documentation will be followed through the provision of E-communication patient providers and portals. The stage of finally implementing the ambulatory of the Electronic Health Records will make the electronic system for Metro Hospital to be its legal health records by the year 2025.    Although initially Metro Hospital had no plans of becoming a digital hospital, it has always been my goal to achieve this electronic status. There is need for us to use automation and Information technology in order to improve the care given to our patients (Finn, 2009).In order to achieve specific goals and timelines for achievement of a fully digital status for Metro Hospital by the year 2025,a vision, consensus and a strategic plan must be build at the board or executive level aimed at transforming care delivery through a business initiative. A governance structure should also be build in order to facilitate decision making, accountability, prioritization and management which include a user-focused comprehensive plan which deals with informing people how to deal with change. After that Information Technology infrastructure that deals supports the Electronic Medical Records together with a disaster business/recovery continuity plan for Metro Hospital must be build. Supplier/consulting decisions should be made and then the technologies should be implemented in the right order. Managing of change, measurements and achievement of the technology should be kept as an in day to day work.  A governance structure should be build in order to facilitate prioritization, management, accountability and decision making which includes a comprehensive functional steering committee.   Measurement of the business processes will need to stretch the goals and need to be balanced so as to embark on this long journey of achieving level 7 by 202 5 for Metro Hospital (Lorenzi, 2005).  Executive Engagement3 Years2011Process Measurement2 YearsIT Infrastructure2 YearGovernance4 YearsBenefits for achieving HIMSS level 7 by 2025 for Metro Hospital will also require that the benefits are quantifiable and the whole executive team should always be accountable for achieving the goals. The business value for the benefits should always outweigh the costs of IT increasing operational expenses and implementation costs. Metro Hospital should plan in using the EMR in demonstrating data agility during the whole implementation process. In order to avoid situations where the stakeholders of Metro Hospital might get disengaged before the whole project is rolled out, incremental benefits arising from the use of EMR data entry must be seen. In general, the roadmap for achievement of the HIMSS level for level 7 by 2025 for Metro Hospital will involve the following goals and timelines (Sharma, 2005).System selection1 YearsThe above processes shoul d therefore take 14 years for Metro Hospital to be fully digital. During the first stage above, all the ancillaries namely the laboratory, the Pharmacy and the RAD are not installed and this stage is referred to as stage 0. At stage one, all the three ancillaries are installed followed by stage two in which Controlled Medical Vocabulary Clinical Data Repository and the CDSS inference engine might have Document Imaging. Stage 3 will involve clinical documentation and error checking which will in turn be followed by stage four which will involve Clinical Decision Support protocols. Stage five will thereafter involve the administration of Closed Loop medication and then under stage six, physician Documentation and full variance and compliance of CDSS will be undertaken. Finally, stage seven will ensure that Metro hospital has a fully digital status by 2025.Governance:Governance is a very important part in the implementation of the HIMSS EMR Adoption Model by 2025 for Metro Hospital bec ause having unclear governance plans may pose as a big risk to the hospital in the implementation of other aspects. The governance for Metro Hospital will be under the responsibility of two committees which will oversee the implementation of the HIMSS. The two committees will be the IT Committee and the other one that represents the operational and clinical departments that are affected by EMR-EHR. The various people who will be involved in management of various implementation processes should be known together with their responsibilities and the people they are accountable to in Metro Hospital. Procedures and rules for decision making should always apply throughout the whole project and governance arrangements should include all the agency lines of accountability and reporting coupled with the relevant executive committees and agency boards in the hospital. The project should be governed in such a way as to include all the services that are supposed to be delivered as a result of a dopting electronic medical records. Clinical Staff and all Physicians for Metro Hospital should conduct a needs analysis in order to be sure that the implemented EMR-EHR system will serve as a proper decision making guide for the caregivers. The separate governing bodies for Metro Hospital should therefore work hand in hand to see that the project is implemented successfully. The committees should be able to meet as many times as possible to discuss any emerging issues and hear any updates about the whole project (Edgar, et al, 2010).Likelihood of Success and identification of riskI have high hopes that I will be able to achieve level 7 of the HIMSS EMR Adoption Model by 2025 because of the supportive and understanding Metro Hospital Staff.     However, there is a high concern that some of the practitioners linked with the Metro Hospital from the area will struggle in meeting some of the proposed rules for quality reporting requirements aimed at meaningfully using health information technology.   Some of the risks that may be faced with Metro hospital upon completion and final implementation of the Electronic Health Record will include incomplete or weak and lack of enough policy awareness and malicious misuse by insiders. The Metro Hospital’s Electronic Health Records may also be exposed to external attacks through either social engineering, defacement of the website, electronic mail phishing or through social engineering phone calls which may be detrimental to the hospital because vital information may be lost. Metro Hospital should also be concerned about weak incident response recovery policies and weak disaster recovery plans (Perezgonzalez, 2005).Benchmarks In order for usability ratings to give more than comparative information, it is necessary to use benchmark metrics to establish them. These benchmark metrics can be developed through measuring the actual clinical environment of clinician users for each scenario or task. The clinician panels will the n compare good actual performances against the perceived ideal performance by users so as to establish a target score which reflects better the needs of the users unlike the present state of the Electronic Medical Records performance (Gumpper,   et al, 2008).Conclusions/ RecommendationsIn order to make the adoption of level 7 of the HIMSS EMR Adoption Model by 2025 for Metro Hospital to be a success, it is vital for me to look at the benefits, barriers and risks. There is a significant relationship between the benefits and barriers of adopting HER systems by Metro Hospitals.  The transition by Metro Hospital from manual operations to electronic medical records is a significant change in the medical practice towards clinical processes. The ability of Metro Hospital to transform its medical records into electronic form will create further opportunities for the hospital to start clinical practice changes not only at individual levels but also at population levels. The success of the E MR-EHR for Metro Hospital will therefore largely depend on the input that will be derived from all the departments of the hospital what will use the system in improving the quality of care given to patients and increasing productivity. Committees dealing with governance in the implementation of the project should never be underestimated because it is through them that other stakeholders are able to give criticism, ideas, advice and suggestions.  Relevant approaches should always be approached in order to ensure that the EMR-EHR system is properly implemented to ensure that improved healthcare and regulatory practices are upheld (Jain, Et al, 2010).

Monday, June 22, 2020

Dealers and Doctors in Dreamland The True Cause of Americas Opioid Epidemic - Literature Essay Samples

Sam Quinones’ Dreamland uncovers the misguided values and cultural ideals of America and explores how those values manifested themselves in the medical and pharmaceutical industries unleashing the current opioid crisis America currently finds itself in. Quinones pieces together the evolution of the country’s relationship with the morphine molecule and shows how that relationship changed as a consequence of its commercial and recreational use. He ties together the influence of the medical industry, pharmaceutical industry, and illicit drug market to reveal a broken system fueled by profit that caused a chain reaction resulting in an addiction problem unlike any other before seen in the US. Ultimately Quinones shows that drugs have been a part of our society for years and will continue to be for years to come and that when the institutions set in place to control the relationship between drugs and society are misguided it produces extreme consequences for the rest of the population. That is to make a larger point that the focus of institutions like the medical industry is to solve the underlying issues of the problems we face, not treat the effects for profit. Quinones continually draws on a shift in opinion on opioids role in pain treatment that occurred in the medical field during the 20 years leading up to the 2000’s as the catalyst of the entire opioid crisis. Originally opioids were only used to treat acute pain such as in cancer patients or patients with other types of terminal illness. It was a ubiquitously held belief that opiate painkillers had significant risk of addiction associated with them and therefore their use should be restricted as much as possible. This all changed when Russel Portenoy and Kathy Foley published a paper based on their observations of opiate treatment in their cancer patients that found that only 2 of 38 patients became addicted, further contending that opiates were not inherently addictive (Quinones 92). They additionally started what would be a major problem with the entire pain crusader movement when they cited a 1980 letter from Dr. Hershel Jick to The New England Journal of Medicine as evidenc e that less than 1 percent of patients became addicted to opiates after treatment, although it was not research based evidence at all but instead just observations Dr. Jick had made from unofficial data he had gathered from a hospital. At first this idea received heavy pushback but eventually Portenoy started to gain support and gradually the entire medical field began to push a narrative that opioids carried extremely low chances of addiction when treating pain and should be used to treat chronic pains of all kinds, not just acute pain. This concept shifted the entire landscape of American medicine. The idea that for all this time doctors had been significantly undertreating pain because they lacked the necessary technology to properly treat it took the field by storm and prescription opiates were the revolutionary solution they had been waiting for now that they had ‘evidence’ that they were not addictive. Pain undertreatment became the core focus of medicine going so far as to be â€Å"identified as a public health problem†(Quinones 197). It became ‘a fifth vital sign’ in evaluating a patient’s health and doctors were judged based on how well they treated pain which essentially meant forcing them to prescribe opiates. The pain crusade as the movement came to be called was described as â€Å"a revolution in medical thought† that was integrated into the entire system with â€Å"Interns and residents [being] taught that these drugs were now not addictive, that doctors had a mission, a duty, to use them†, the problem was that e ntire philosophy was based on absolutely zero credible research or scientific fact (Quinones 95). This was a turning point in the story of opiates in America because as pain came to the forefront of medicine and the population began to believe they had an inherent right to be pain free, the amount of opioids being consumed by Americans skyrocketed while insurance companies simultaneously began to stop funding the other holistic aspects of pain treatment like diet and mental health, essentially making prescription pills the only option for doctors. This created a massive opportunity for the pharmaceutical industry to expand into new markets eventually generating billions in sales revenue across the US they never would have had access to without the shift in pain treatment. A crucial component to that expansion was the fact that these ideas were coming from the top minds in medicine and pain management specialists which gave credibility to the false marketing claims Purdue used to cre ate an empire and cause over 7 million Americans to abuse painkillers along the way. Looking to bring their new product OxyContin to market, Purdue was quietly funding this new ideological shift on pain management. They provided capital for organizations like the â€Å"American Pain Foundation that promoted the use of opiates for both chronic and acute pain† and hosted medical conferences featuring speakers like Robert Portenoy (Quinones 137). All of this allowed them to create incredibly high demand in these new markets, positioning their product as a risk free, cure all option for pain. The major selling point for OxyContin that became the basis of their marketing campaign was that patients only had to take two pills a day instead of one every 4 hours and unlike existing painkillers, OxyContin contained a slow release formula that they said reduced the highs of the euphoria and lows of the depression, making it significantly less likely to be addictive. In a later federal investigation using Purdue documents, investigators proved these to be false claims tha t Purdue knowingly still marketed. Despite Purdue management being keenly aware of these flaws, they still drilled into their salesforce during training to go after doctors telling them OxyContin was non-addictive, citing the Jick less than 1 percent ‘research’. â€Å"The company aimed to convince doctors to aggressively treat noncancer pain, and prescribe OxyContin for moderate pain lasting for more than a few days.† (Quinones 127). The tactics worked, and OxyContin became the primary prescription for pain management of all levels. However, patients began returning to doctors to refill their prescription well before the scheduled date. This meant that the drug was not lasting its promised 12-hour duration, leaving patients experiencing withdrawal symptoms, now hooked and needing more. Purdue all but publicly supported this addiction, as Quinones points out they preyed upon areas with widespread addiction, heavily marketing to doctors who prescribed the highest number of pills. â€Å"Some Purdue r eps- particularly in southern Ohio, eastern Kentucky, and other areas first afflicted with rampant addiction—were reported to have made as much as a hundred thousand dollars in bonuses.† (Quinones 134. This theme becomes crucial to understanding the opioid crisis because as Purdue capitalized on addiction in those poor areas they spread OxyContin to wealthier areas to cover the cost of their addictions. Heroin traffickers like the Xalisco boys learned to target heavy pill markets to introduce their product, so as Purdue spread pill addiction in these areas they created a foothold for heroin markets which resulted in an exponential increase of overdoses. Inadvertently, the OxyContin epidemic spread by Purdue caused the country’s problem with black tar heroin. Following his explanation of OxyContin’s spread, Quinones makes an interesting point talking about Purdue sales reps whose bonuses â€Å"bore a striking similarity to the kinds of profits made in the underground† (Quinones 134). He draws a parallel between Purdue and the Xalisco boys through the entirety of the book. By doing this Quinones is shedding light on how differently Americans view a company like Purdue and OxyContin in comparison to heroin and the Mexican dealers. The Xalisco boys were essentially just a smaller competitor in the same market as Purdue. They produce virtually the same product except Purdue makes billions from OxyContin while also marketing and advertising their product to get more people on it. Purdue played an equally responsible if not larger role in the opioid crisis and are just as responsible for the deaths of the people who had to switch to heroin because they got hooked on OxyContin. Yet Purdue’s product is essentially subsidized by the federal government in the form of Medicare, is protected with a federal patent, and is distributed through federally funded clinics in some cases. While the Xalisco’s received the opposite, federal funds used to stop them from selling their product with law enforcement. This is not to make the point that they should be able to sell heroin, they absolutely should not. Rather, it points out an ongoing historical trend of demonizing minority or immigrant groups that in this case took most of the blame for the increase in overdoses in most American’s minds. What Quinones really helps to understand about drugs in contemporary America through his journalism is that when the association of drugs with minorities, gangs, and violence is taken away, people start to realize that they are not the problem but oftentimes a scapegoat. It is the relationship we have with drugs and the way our institutions approach drugs that is creating a large part of the issue. As a reader, one is forced to question trusting things like the war on drugs when that same government approved and continues to approve a schedule 2 narcotic to be mass distributed.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

William Shakespeare s King Lear - 1717 Words

In the play, King Lear by Shakespeare, sight is used as an indication of perception and judgement. Kent and Cordelia seem to be one of the few in the play who act rationally and do not respond with blind praise to King Lear’s absurd requests. They are the only truly loyal people in King Lear’s court, yet he fails to see that and casts them off as traitors. Their act of treason was their worry for King Lear, when no one else would dare point it out. King Lear’s immense autocratic power blinded him from seeing the true nature of his subjects and the state of affairs of his kingdom. As Kent suggested, King Lear needed to â€Å"see better† (1.1.180). His vision of his subjects and daughters was blinded by his need for constant appraisal. The second someone dared to say anything that didn’t please him, he lost all rationality. Similarly, Gloucester is unable to see the true natures of his sons, wrongfully trusting one son over the other. Cordelia’s lacking response to King Lear’s need for praised did not trigger King Lear’s descent into madness, but instead indirectly caused the events that would lead to King Lear’s self-awareness. When King Lear thrust himself out of the position and setting of absolute power, it began to become clearer that the way King Lear was acting was in no way wise. He continued acting as an all-powerful ruler, despite no longer having power. When Goneril’s servants refused to treat Lear the way he think he deserved to be treated, King Lear became angry andShow MoreRelatedWilliam Shakespeare s King Lear1564 Words   |  7 PagesWilliam Shakespeare is universally known for his literary output both in poetry and drama. Whether through his laugh-invoking comedies or his heart-wrenching tragedies, Shakespeare’s plays have changed the course of literature. Many of his plays about love are widely praised by all, but Shakespeare s King Lear differs from the rest due to its definition of love. King Lear serves as an battleground between deception and compassion, between flattery and honesty. Rather than focusing on romantic loveRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s King Lear1550 Words   |  7 PagesINTRODUCTION: By facilitating the growth of evil within William Shakespeare’s King Lear, it is evident that the tragedy’s protagonist, King Lear can be held accountable for his own victimization and ultimate downfall. The most notable aspects of this self-induced victimization include Lear’s own lack of practical wisdom and divergence from the natural order, combined with the neglect of kingship, that enables Lear as a tragic hero to create the conceptual framework in which the ulterior motives ofRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s King Lear3086 Words   |  13 PagesJerion Young Ms. Woods English IV 4 March 2015 King Lear William Shakespeare uses several literary elements in his writing, elements which are especially apparent in his play, King Lear. Shakespeare uses excellent creativity and description when writing this tragedy. â€Å"Neither has Shakespeare placed in the mouth of any other character in this play such fatalistic expressions as may be found in King Lear and occasionally elsewhere†(A.C. 2003). The way King Lear talks in this play is very evil compared toRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s King Lear1611 Words   |  7 Pagesexperience life-changing events that jeopardize our sense of identity and make us question how we value ourselves. Our perception of our worth can change with what we learn through our existence, much like the characters in the play King Lear by William Shakespeare. Adversity and hardship are inevitable when characters are unable to connect themselves within their own identity or find a loss of self at some point in their role. The self-awareness, an essential a spect of their role, of many ofRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s King Lear1320 Words   |  6 Pagesothers. Having strong communication skills allows one to better understand the situation at hand. Proper communication is essential to working out problems because of this reason. In the play King Lear by William Shakespeare, Lear communicating with his daughters, Gloucester communicating with his sons, and Lear communicating with Kent are all examples of failure of communication, which later lead to consequences and hardships that the characters must face. Without proper communication, people willRead MoreBlindness By William Shakespeare s King Lear2212 Words   |  9 PagesMaysoun Deeb Mr. A. T. Lebar EN4UN-04 13 July 2015 King Lear Blindness by definition, according to dictionaries, is â€Å"unable to see and lacking the sense of sight† by which King Lear, the classic tragic play written by William Shakespeare, illustrated the concept of blindness amongst his characters as the leading theme. King Lear and Gloucester were the characters that have been conflicted by this â€Å"blindness† that may or may not change their personalities in the very end of the play. Gloucester becomesRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s King Lear1546 Words   |  7 PagesTwo Sides to Every Person There are two sides to every story; that of the protagonist and that of the antagonist. As shown in the Shakespearean play King Lear, there is very little difference between the two. Edmund, who appears to be a villain, is more than meets the eye. His evil is a rebellion against the social order that denies him legitimacy. His villainy does not come from innate cruelty but from misdirected desire for familial love. His remorse in the end displays his humanity and blindnessRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s King Lear1510 Words   |  7 PagesShakespeare’s King Lear deals with tragic human relationship like the other tragedies of the author, but this story was written in social aspect and raises the doubtful point on legitimacy of some political systems. In this play, various characters form multi-layered kconflict relations. Thus, the story is being propelled towards tragedy due to numerous inner and outer conflicts of each character. However, as it is brought into being a charact er, Edgar in the end of the story, it implies new beginningRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s King Lear1470 Words   |  6 Pagesduring the Elizabethan era, making it relatable to all audiences, especially the modern audience, leaving room for multiple perspectives and understanding of the play. Shakespeare’s play ‘King Lear’, depicts the main protagonist’s ‘gradual descent into madness’ as a result of the forces of evil acting in the play for Lear has, to an extent, have sinned though it can’t outweigh that he has been sinned against. This is confirmed through Lear’s injudiciousness to see through his two eldest daughter’s internalRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s King Lear 1306 Words   |  6 Pagesâ€Å"All...shall taste the wages of their virtue...the cup of their deservings. (5.3.317-320)† King Lear is frequently regarded as one of Shakespeare’s masterpieces, and its tragic scope touches almost all facets of the human condition: from the familial tensions between parents and children to the immoral desires of power, from the follies of pride to the false projections of glory. However, one theme rings true throughout the play, and that very theme is boundless suffering, accentuated by the gruesome

Monday, May 18, 2020

Should Marijuana Be Legal - 1609 Words

Larry Murray Ms. Fingarson English 11 March 9th, 2017 Junior Research Paper: Marijuana Should Be Legal. According to world recognized American Scientist Carl Sagan â€Å"the illegality of cannabis is outrageous, an impediment to full utilization of a drug which helps produce the serenity and insights , sensitivity and fellowship so desperately needed in this increasingly mad and dangerous world†. These are just some of the benefits of Marijuana along with many others. All you have been taught about cannabis in your lifetime is the negatives but it is important to consider facts about the benefits if you would like to form your own opinion. The heavily scrutinized legalization of cannabis would have many benefits including an estimated 28†¦show more content†¦And then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities, We could arrest their leaders. raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.† Legal cannabis can benefit the U.S in many ways but most importantly is the financial support this plant could provide.According to in 2016 If all states legalized marijuana it would generate an estimated $28 billion dollars in tax revenue. That’s $28 billion that would be reinvested in programs such as medicare,medicaid and social security. Not only will cannabis drive down pharmaceutical premiums for many cancer patients it will also generate money to be put into healthcare and retirement plans creating a stronger more financially sound America. In addition to this, Legalizing Marijuana in all states would create jobs all over the country from legal Growers to front desk â€Å"Budtenders†.America can legalize a plant that would create economic growth and jobs but they choose to keep overcharging people for outdated pharmaceutical prescriptions and letting those big companies affect elections and influence politicians.Forbes writer Debra Borchardt states that The legal cannabis market was worth an estimated $7.2 billion in 2016 and is projected to grow at a compound annual rate ofShow MoreRelatedShould Marijuana Be Legal?1060 Words   |  5 PagesMedical Marijuana Marijuana is the most commonly used illicit drug in the United Sstates (Wagner).. Marijuana is commonly used becauseThis it is because marijuana is easy to get and doesn’t have the visibly dangerous effects that other drugs like cocaine and heroine have. However,But does that mean marijuana is harmless to the human body? There are some people and studies that believe it is harmlessso. Sanjay Gupta, MD, Chief Medical Correspondent for CNN, wrote the following: â€Å"Frequent marijuana useRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legal?986 Words   |  4 Pages smoking pot in California, is legal. On Tuesday, November 8, 2016, California became the fifth state to legalize the recreational use of pot. By a margin of about 56% to 44%, voters passed Proposition 64. With its passing, California is now among states like Colorado, Washington, Oregon and Alaska who have also legalized marijuana. â€Å"Marijuana could become quite the cash crop† said Richard McGowan, a professor at Boston College and expert in the field of marijuana legalization. While many peopleRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legal?1230 Words   |  5 PagesCannabis Can The marijuana movement is more prevalent now than ever. Just recently, two other states have joined Colorado and Washington in the legalization of the recreational use of marijuana. On the other hand, the state of Florida did not pass the bill to approve medical marijuana. Although more and more states have begun to see the benefits in legalizing marijuana, many states maintain the view that smoking marijuana is criminal despite the many advantages it poses. Marijuana offers medical andRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legal?997 Words   |  4 Pagesof the topics; write a thesis statement and complete the introduction 1. Marijuana should be legal, because it is harmless, and it is an effective medicine for many kinds of diseases. - Marijuana should be legal due to its variety of health benefits - Marijuana is an effective medicine for many kinds of diseases - Marijuana legalization would help boost the economy Thesis Statement: Why shouldn’t marijuana be legal due to its variety of health benefits, its effectiveness for combating manyRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legal?864 Words   |  4 PagesCannabis, also known as marijuana among other names, is a preparation of the Cannabis plant intended for use as a psychoactive drug or medicine. Marijuana smoking remains the most prevalent form of illicit drug use in the United States and has even been legalized medicinally in twenty-four states. Four of these states, including Colorado and Washington, have legalized marijuana for recreational use. This means that it is treated like a controlled substance, like alcohol or tobacco, and anyone theRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legal?1630 Words   |  7 PagesMarijuana has been a hot topic of conversation over the last few years, as some states in America have legalized it medically and recreationally. By discussing the legal aspect of marijuana, the economic benefits, medical usage and how marij uana affects the family, we can see the positive and negative impact that marijuana has on sociology. Except for a few select states, marijuana usage, sale and distribution of marijuana is in some manner illegal. As a result, there is immense legal considerationsRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legal?1610 Words   |  7 PagesSince the very first day marijuana began dominating our country over 30 years ago, federal control of the drug has been the topic of an continuing arguments. Marijuana is a crushed up blend of dried out herbs, seeds and stems of the plant cannabis. Most people inhale it in the shape of cigarettes for pleasure and relief. Should marijuana be made legal? Advocates of the drug argue that there are multiple medical advantages and that tobacco and alcohol are far more harmful for us than the drug itselfRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legal? Essay1261 Words   |  6 PagesMarijuana is safer than tobacco and alcohol, more beneficial and healthier too. Marijuana, unlike tobacco and alcohol, never causes serious illnesses like cancers of the lungs, throat, and mouth, cirrhos is, dementia, or anything else. In actuality, medical marijuana is used to treat cancer cells. â€Å"The earliest use of cannabis as a medicine is attributed to the legendary Chinese Emperor Shen Nung, who is thought to have lived around 2700 BC.. Cannabis sativa is thought to have been grown for at leastRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legal? Essay965 Words   |  4 PagesShould Marijuana Be Legal? In order to start a discussion about whether marijuana should be legal, we must first begin with the history of marijuana. How long has marijuana been around? The earliest recorded use of marijuana is from the island of Taiwan off the coast of mainland china over 10,000 years ago in the Stone Age (Marijuana, 2014). They wove their clothes and made their shoes from hemp. The first paper was made from a combination of crushed hemp fibers and mulberry tree bark. ThisRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legal?1269 Words   |  6 Pagesspecific effects of marijuana on pregnancy women because women who use marijuana also tend to smoke cigarettes and are more likely to use other drugs such as cocaine and alcohol. Thus, it is difficult to identify the precise effects of marijuana on pregnant women and fetus (Leemaqz, 2016.). Marijuana is the most commonly used illicit drug in the United State (Murray McKinney, 2014). According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, 40- 60% of marijuana users continue to use

Monday, May 11, 2020

Main Concerns for Patients Undergoing Cardiovascular...

Introduction Anxiety is the most common concern for patients undergoing cardiovascular surgery everyday in the United Sates. Nurses have issues pertaining to the postoperative care of cardiac surgery patients. Nursing has a very extensive meaning, from promoting good health in society to preventing the occurrence of ill health. Also, nurses provide advice and emotional support to patient family members. Being a nurse with the post-cardiac surgery patient requires special training. There are many means of patient care. I will investigate pain management of postoperative care for cardiovascular surgery patients. One of the most common conditions for patients undergoing cardiovascular surgery is anxiety. According to Twiss, Seaver, and†¦show more content†¦This might increase the patients anxiety and pain levels and prevent the patient from sleep and appetite. If the patient stays at the hospital for too long, then the patient might start being sensitive to certain things in the hospital such as bright lights, cold temperatures, pain, stress and discomfort. This might cause increased autonomic response, or having sleep deprivations, which would lead to physiological problems. Since the patient is going to stay at the hospital more than expected due to delays in his or her recovery, the cost and morbidity rate will increase, and the quality of life of the patient will be reduced Nurses usually nurse the patients by giving them an enhanced environment. Once again, according to the American Journal of Nursing and Felgen (2004) as cited by Twiss, Seaver, and McCaffrey (2006), â€Å"A therapeutic environment provides an integrative network of physical, spiritual and psychological factors that have an additive effect on the creation of a healing or a healthy place† (p.225). If we are in an environment that does not feel comfortable to us, then our stress levels might increase because we will feel that we are in a strange place. A patient undergoing cardiac surgery needs to be in a social environment that is surrounded by people who will make him or her feel better about being at the hospital so the patient does not feel uncomfortable or left out. The patients stress levels might decrease if they feel that they are in aShow MoreRelatedThe Field Of Critical Care1737 Words   |  7 Pageschanges for providing care to critically ill patients in the perioperat ive period. The purpose of this chapter is to provide update for clinicians on ICU issues relevant to clinical practice. Topics which will be discussed include: modes of mechanical ventilation, renal replacement therapy, antibiotic prophylaxis, nutritional support, sedation management, transport and transfer of care. I. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Sex Education And Its Effects On The Body And Physiology

As children grow up, they are exposed to changes in their body and physiology. Adults, family, schools, and friends influence them and teach them about the world and the changes they are going to experiment, but how does an adult approach children and teenagers about sex? New ideas and debates have formed concerning how to educate the youngsters on the topic of sex: whether parents should explain their children about the birds and the bees, or schools need a course to educate students about sexual activity. This paper is going to examine sex education from different perspectives: psychology, education, and religion studies. Sex education is instruction on issues regarding human sexuality, emotions, responsibilities, anatomy, sexual intercourse, reproduction, health issues, rights, how to practice safe sex, sexually transmitted diseases, sexual organs, or everything related to human reproduction and sex. Almost four out of ten young women get pregnant before the age of twenty ( ), and nearly twenty million new cases of sexually transmitted diseases (STD’s) come from people in between fifteen and twenty-four years old (, and most of them state they were uniformed or not prepared. The topic of sex has been a taboo subject in various cultures throughout the years because many parents are unwilling or unable to properly educate their children about sex, forcing them to seek out less credible sources. If schools are permitted to teach sex education, then they canShow MoreRelatedEssay on The Endocrine System: Billys Case1294 Words   |  6 Pageswithin the endocrine system. As an individual ages hormone secreation alters, changing how the human body is structured and functions. As a young boy Billy was a falsetto singer in a choir until he endured hormonal changes associated with puberty. He developed a broken tenor which was hard to control as well as his mood. 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Cloud Computing Research Free Essays

The world revolves around money. Why pay more for less or why would you pay for something that you don’t need. In this research essay I will explore the Cloud Services community. We will write a custom essay sample on Cloud Computing Research or any similar topic only for you Order Now I will explain what important services to have are and which type of cloud services you should have for the size of the company you are running or plan to run. The basic criteria people need to know about cloud services and what they offer is the most important. First and most importantly is the price. Others are storage space you allowed to have, reliability, features, upload speed, ease of use. These will be the premise of using to find out what service would be best for you. The first cloud provider chosen to look at is Amazon. Amazon EC2’s simple web service interface allows you to obtain and configure capacity with minimal friction. It provides you with complete control of your computing resources and lets you run on Amazon’s proven computing environment. Amazon EC2 reduces the time required to obtain and boot new server instances to minutes, allowing you to quickly scale capacity, both up and down, as your computing requirements change. Amazon EC2 changes the economics of computing by allowing you to pay only for capacity that you actually use. Amazon EC2 provides developers the tools to build failure resilient applications and isolate themselves from common failure scenarios (Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud ). Next we are going to look at Google cloud service. Google offers seamless integration with current Google products is one of the best features that are being offered. There may also be the ability to connect to future Google software for movies and music. The features of other Google products are very helpful. Those would include Google Maps, Docs, Google Search and Gmail. There are lots of other products that Google has developed and released for free, but lately they have been shutting down some of those projects to focus on other areas of the business. One exciting feature of Drive is the optical character recognition technology they have added. That means that customers will be able to scan images of text and the system can convert it over to digital text. It can also be used for image recognition so that every time you search for a word in your files or on the internet, images you have uploaded will be included in those search results. The initial 5GB are free and possibly will be ad funded. Then they are offering a 25GB and 50GB plan with monthly pricing. We will update our review as soon as we know more. Though, we have heard that 1TB will cost around $49. 99 a month (The Ten best Cloud Storage). Next we are going to look at Rackspace. The Rackspace Cloud is a growing set of Cloud-related products and services billed on a utility computing basis, including web application hosting/cloud platform (â€Å"Cloud Sites†), cloud storage (â€Å"Cloud Files†), VPS/Virtual private server (â€Å"Cloud Servers†), Cloud Load Balancers, Cloud Databases, Cloud Backup, Cloud Monitoring, and more. The Rackspace Cloud was one of the first commercial cloud computing services (Rackspace Cloud). So given the basic information above we are going to find out what is best for the consumer. Are you a large Fortune 500 company or are you a startup company looking for space where you wouldn’t have to buy a server and all the necessary equipment to run an IT department. For large companies you should stick with a provider that is not going any place soon and this is Google. Google is a very large company that can offer a lot of space and resources for your company to run. If you are a smaller company and looking to keep your budget down then Rackspace would be the way to go. Now if you are the one that loves to take pictures and have them uploaded then either Google or Amazon would be the way to go for you. Whatever your case may be this will help you in determining what cloud service you may want. How to cite Cloud Computing Research, Essays